Vendor Application TBBF 2025 -


Thank you for applying to vend at the Telluride Blues & Brews Festival

We are seeking high-quality products, whether handmade or uniquely crafted. We highly encourage artisans and craftspeople to apply. The selection for food booths will be based on creative menu offerings. Please note that we do not allow duplicate craft or food booths; for example, we will not accept two vendors selling sunglasses, or two vendors selling pizza. Additionally, being selected as a vendor in the previous year does not guarantee acceptance this year.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and submit your application.

Company legal name *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Cell/Mobile Phone # *
Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2
City *
State *
Zip/Postcode *
Is your mailing address different than the physical address? If yes, please provide it here:
What is the name of your booth? *
Business Type *
Have you vended with any of SBG Production's events before? If yes , which event? *
Why would you like to vend at Telluride Blues & Brews Festival? *
Please describe your booth. What is the vibe and/or theme? *
Give a description of ALL items you want to sell and pricing. Provide as much detail as possible. *
How many 3-day festival passes would you require total? (2 are included with the vendor fee) **These additional tickets must be purchased. *
Do you have a Liability Insurance Policy? *
Does your booth fit within a 10x20 space? *
Does your booth require more than two (2) 110 volt power outlets? *
Do you plan on camping? If so do you plan to camp behind your booth, or in vendor camping area? Also, what kind of vehicle do you plan on bringing? *
What is your website?
Facebook page
Twitter page
Instagram page
Please upload a couple photos of your products
Please upload a photo of your booth
Do you have a current Town of Telluride business licence? *
+ More Information...
Upload a copy of your Sales Tax License
Upload a copy of your Special Event License
Have you used RFID Cahless Payments in a festival setting before? *
If accepted to participate in Telluride Blues & Brews Festival do you agree to ONLY use the festival's POS System on site? *
Please provide references and phone numbers from two (2) other festivals, or indicate if you've never vended at a festival before:
Upon acceptance of this application, I agree to the following: *
  • To read, understand, and follow the vendor criteria.
  • Vendor agrees to comply with all federal, state, county and town laws.
  • Vendor agrees to man booth during all festival hours.
  • Vendor agrees to sell only what is stated in this contract unless previously approved by SBG Productions Staff
  • Food vendors will obtain approval of the San Miguel County Health Officer for all food handling procedures and deliver a written approval to the Festival.
  • Vendor agrees to anticipate sales and have sufficient quantities of product on hand to not sell out. Please call to verify anticipated attendance.
  • Vendors agree to pay sales tax to Telluride Blues & Brews Festival which will be reported and payed on their behalf.
  • Any lack of courtesy, good will and good taste toward attendees or staff could result in termination of this agreement, loss of your deposit and eviction from the festival area.
  • That this application, if accepted, will serve as a contract and any legal fees incurred by anyone because of this contract will be paid for by the losing party.
  • A flat 4% credit card processing fee will be charged on every successful card present and card not present transaction.
  • Cash sales do not incur any fees. Cash tips do not incur a fee. All cash sales must be entered and reported through the atVenu POS system (no exceptions).
  • If accepted to vend at Telluride Blues & Brews Festival all vendors will be required to use rental POS terminals from atVenu. All vendors must accept RFID wristband payments, cash, and credit cards. Vendors are not permitted to use personal POS setups. All sales must be run through atVenu. All cash sales must be recorded using the atVenu terminals. Any vendor found using an alternate POS system (other than AtVenu) will not be invited back to Telluride Blues & Brews Festival in future years.
  • Each vendor will be required to check out two (2) POS terminals from SBG Productions to use for the weekend. Lost, damaged, or stolen equipment will be charged up to $750 per unit. Please secure your equipment to prevent damage or theft each night as you are responsible for all equipment checked out to you. If any equipment is found to be damaged prior to check-out it must be noted brought to SBG Productions staff’s attention to avoid unnecessary charges. All equipment must be returned to SBG Productions before leaving Telluride. Final Payout will be withheld until all equipment is returned.
  • SBG Productions will pay out each vendor 48-72 hours post-festival. The final payment will be sent via ACH Bank Draft (direct deposit). If accepted as a vendor, you must submit a voided check that corresponds with the bank account you wish the final payout to be deposited in.
  • I hereby understand that neither the Telluride Blues & Brews Festival nor any of its officers, agents, or employees shall be held liable for any claims seeking damages for personal injury or property damage that may arise out of your participation as a vendor for the festival. I also hereby agree to indemnify the Telluride Blues & Brews Festival, Inc., its officers, agents, employees, and the Town of Telluride, harmless on account of any such claims.

Review your signature

Draw your signature

Notes for the Vendor Director?